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Stay Calm! Here Are 7 things You Can Do at Home During Malaysia’s Covid-19 Movement Control Order

18 Mar 2020

Effective 18 March 2020, Malaysia is currently under a Restriction Movement Order, and we as responsible citizens are duty-bound to stay at home in order to curb the spread of COVID-19. If you miss going out and having fun, just remember you can have fun at home too! Here are 8 things you can do to pass the time at home during Malaysia’s COVID-19 movement control order: 


1. Learn to Cook Cuisines From Other Countries

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash 


If you’ve been looking forward to your overseas trip for the delicious food and street snacks, why not learn to make it at home? Imagine all the cuisines you can learn to cook from the comfort of your home! Plate your own bento sets, make a hearty Welsh cawl or Soondubu Jjigae - the world is your oyster. 


Here are a few YouTube channels with international recipes to try out: Emmymadeinjapan , Binging with Babish , Junskitchen 


2. Learn Some Dance Moves 

Have you been intrigued by Tik Tok dances but don’t know where to start? We’re sure Tik Tok dancing videos are going to get even MORE viral now thanks to most of us being home-ridden. Get a shot at Tik Tok fame by busting a few dance moves in your living room! 


Here are some dance tutorial suggestions: Say So ,  Renegade ,  Don’t start now 


3. Feed your wanderlust with travel shows on Netflix 



Binging on shows is the kind of luxury you can afford now that you have a lot of time on your hands! If you’ve exhausted all the newest shows and prefer to escape into a different type of fantasy, why not feed your wanderlust with travel shows and documentaries on Netflix? 


Here are some of our favorites: Jack Whitehall: Travels With My Father , Street Food , Dark Tourist 


4. Start tackling that to-read pile! 


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash 


Most of us have read more books growing up - but as life got busier, our reading materials have been reduced to internet articles, blogs or memes. Being wired to online content is great, but reading definitely has benefits - such as improving your grammar or even enhancing your creativity. If you haven’t got access to a library of books at home, have no fear! You can download ebooks and audiobooks online and access them from your computer or smartphone. 


Try out these sites to access books online for free: Open Culture, Open Library 


5. De-clutter your living spaces 

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash 


Remember your new year’s resolution to KonMari your home? This simple act of tidying up will not only result in a tidy home but also spark joy in various aspects of life! You don’t have to declutter everything at once - try sorting out items to declutter by category so it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. 


TV shows to leave on while cleaning: Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Crash Landing On You 


6. Exercise 


Missing the gym? Don’t let the pandemic get in the way of your fitness routines! Exercise isn’t just good for your body, studies have shown that working out has mental health benefits too. Clear out your minds by exercising during this period of stress through working out by running on the spot in front of your tv, or do a few push-ups and situps - you’ve got this! 


Check out these local IG fitness influencers for more workouts: @yipingteo , @sandrawooo ,  @mysculptclub , @babel.dance


7. Most importantly, spend time with the people you care about 

One of the most overlooked things in our busy lives is spending time with the people we care about - friends and family! If you’re at home with your family members, carve out your time to have a proper conversation with them. If you’re away from family and friends, what’s great about this day and age of technology is how we can still stay connected, online! Remember to give them a phone call or skype. This way you’ll be able to reassure them that you’re in a safe place with enough supplies to last. 

In light of the current circumstances, Mayflower Holidays recognise that our customers may have difficulty in reaching us through our customer support helpline. We strongly urge customers with non-immediate concerns to contact us via email at cs@mayflower-group.com or through our contact form if you have any concerns or issues. Meanwhile, we would like to remind everyone to stay safe during this period of restricted movement. See you again soon!